These are all the boys....
Barred Rock- Easter Egger - possible White Leghorn - Rhode Island Red - Buff Orpington - Buff Orpington
In this bottom picture front to back left
BR RIR WL .....then on the right..... 2 BO - EE (in front)
The RIR and EE were the only ones hatched - BR and BO were purchased from the American Feed Store because Beth needs roos from both breeds and the WL was one of the 8 roos shipped with the order from Ideal just to keep the pullets warm. Beth got 7 of those and I kept 1. I hope he is pretty. I sexed the two I hatched and in comparing their combs with the ones sold as cockerels and with the poor little white guy tossed in my order, they all look the same. I am so hoping I know what I am doing. What is the worse that can happen.? I could end up with all roos.... there is a lot worse things in life.
i can NOT wait to get my new boys! i'm so glad you're coming on MONDAY! =D